
This web site has been designed to share articles and photos detailing the planning, development and implementation which lead to the introduction of color television to South Africa in 1976. This was the largest color television project ever undertaken in the world.

Other countries had established color television networks which had grown from a long established black and white television network base.


The first phase of the television project, which created TV1, consisted of:

The following phase, which resulted in the launch of TV2/3 in 1981/2, consisted of:

The TV2/3 project resulted in a number of sub projects, which included:


If you would like to contribute to this web site please email us at with information or photos you may have on a SABC TV projects. If you would like to work with us on an article please let us know. We currently have a number in process.

If you have any additional information or corrections on an article, please email us. Any updates with respect to those who worked on the projects would alsoo be apppreciated.